8 research outputs found

    Energy Management Systems For Smart Active Residential Buildings

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    Estimation of Energy Activity and Flexibility Range in Smart Active Residential Building

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    The smart active residential buildings play a vital role to realize intelligent energy systems by harnessing energy flexibility from loads and storage units. This is imperative to integrate higher proportions of variable renewable energy generation and implement economically attractive demand-side participation schemes. The purpose of this paper is to develop an energy management scheme for smart sustainable buildings and analyze its efficacy when subjected to variable generation, energy storage management, and flexible demand control. This work estimate the flexibility range that can be reached utilizing deferrable/controllable energy system units such as heat pump (HP) in combination with on-site renewable energy sources (RESs), namely photovoltaic (PV) panels and wind turbine (WT), and in-house thermal and electric energy storages, namely hot water storage tank (HWST) and electric battery as back up units. A detailed HP model in combination with the storage tank is developed that accounts for thermal comforts and requirements, and defrost mode. Data analytics is applied to generate demand and generation profiles, and a hybrid energy management and a HP control algorithm is developed in this work. This is to integrate all active components of a building within a single complex-set of energy management solution to be able to apply demand response (DR) signals, as well as to execute all necessary computation and evaluation. Different capacity scenarios of the HWST and battery are used to prioritize the maximum use of renewable energy and consumer comfort preferences. A flexibility range of 22.3% is achieved for the scenario with the largest HWST considered without a battery, while 10.1% in the worst-case scenario with the smallest HWST considered and the largest battery. The results show that the active management and scheduling scheme developed to combine and prioritize thermal, electrical and storage units in buildings is essential to be studied to demonstrate the adequacy of sustainable energy buildings

    Multifaceted approach to legislative regulation for using dna analysis in criminal proceedings of Ukraine

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    The purpose of this article is to develop propositions for improving legal regulation of the use of DNA analysis in criminal proceedings of Ukraine. System-structural, comparative-legal and formal-logical methods of research, analysis of theory and practice are used. The article proposes to apply an integrated approach to the development and introduction of the field-oriented legislation after public discussion on the problems of protecting genetic data in law enforcement practice based on European standards. It is already necessary to separate the concepts of biological material and genomic information in the current legislation of Ukraine, to establish the terms of their storage and the rules for destruction after they are no longer needed. The legislation should also differentiate the methods of obtaining biological samples with defining the priorities for obtaining samples for DNA analysis by the way of buccal scraping (genal swabbing). We should provide separate rules for the permissible scope of molecular genetic testing for suspects (convicts) and other persons. It is also necessary to limit the possibility of unofficial obtaining DNA profiles and to establish procedural rules for mass genetic testing to detect especially grave crimes

    Quantification of demand-side flexibility of a smart active residential building

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    According to EU's energy efficiency and climatic change prevention strategy, one of the largest accents in smartening the grid for high penetration of distributed and intermittent renewable energy sources (RESs) is now being made on buildings. Buildings are the largest end-use sector taking about 40% of total final energy consumption and 55% of electricity consumption in the EU-28 in 2012. It is considered as one of the most prospective platforms when utilised smartly to solve discrepancies from mismatch between intermittent energy generation and demand. Referring to the energy performance of Buildings Directive, the flexibility of a building’s overall electricity demand, including its ability to enable participation in demand response (DR) is highlighted as one of three main smart grid readiness indicators and key functionalities of buildings. However, flexibility is easy to define but not easy to quantify. This paper aims to quantify the flexibility, namely the actual amount of peak-hour energy that can be shaved through DR application in active residential building equipped with a heat pump (HP) and hot water storage tank (HWST). The advantage of this study is a detailed HP energy model including restarting delay, energy conversion delay, defrost mode, guaranteed power-on duration, aimed to maximally reflect its operating behaviour. The computation of flexibility is realized using a rule-based management strategy to provide a response to a technical (incentive-based and reliability-oriented) DR signal without violating user thermal comfort preferences when following all the aforementioned limitations. Two different storage sizes and two different operational scenarios “with” and “without” DR application are compared.</p

    Battery Energy Storage Management for Smart Residential Buildings

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    Вплив нанорозмірних складових неметалевих включень на формування мікроструктури та властивостей зварного шва високоміцних низьколегованих сталей

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    The possibilities of impact on the welded joints mechanical properties of high-strength low-alloyed steels were considered by means of the ratio control of the structural components. The efficiency of titanium carbide adding into the liquid metal of the welding pool has been checked. It was detected that the non-metallic inclusions with a size of 0.3 to 0.8 microns cause a significant impact on the welded joints microstructure formation and the level of the welded joints mechanical properties.Рассмотрены возможности влияния на механические свойства сварных швов высокопрочных низколегированных сталей путем контроля соотношения структурных составляющих. Проверена эффективность добавления в жидкий металл сварочной ванны карбидов титана. Установлено, что неметаллические включения размером 0,3…0,8 мкм вызывают значительное влияние на формирование микроструктуры и уровень механических свойств металла сварных швов.Розглянуто можливості впливу на механічні властивості зварних швів високоміцних низьколегованих сталей шляхом контролю співвідношення структурних складових. Перевірено ефективність додавання в рідкий метал зварювальної ванни карбідів титану. Установлено, що неметалеві включення розміром 0,3…0,8 мкм спричиняють значний вплив на формування мікроструктури і рівень механічних властивостей металу зварних швів